Blobert monster prom
Blobert monster prom

blobert monster prom
blobert monster prom blobert monster prom

“I mean, I see where you’re coming from, but…” He paused for a moment. No, I much like making friends in the different dimensions I’ve been x never had a friend, or at least, not in the last hundred or so years.”Īn old friend, a possible past love now lost. They were merely there under his parents rule, and his own. “I’ve. He couldn’t consider the servants back at the palace as friends, they did not chat or joke with him. Humming in thought, the Prince had to take a moment to think of the correct answer. “There is no need to apologize.” He gave Oz’s hand a gentle squeeze, before listening to the question that the being had asked him. “D-do you have friends there? What are they like? Most likely l-less…chaotic than the people you have met here.” An entire dimension, entirely separate from their own. Hm…” He was…rather curious about all of it, now that he was thinking about it. “I am sorry,” he apologized, “I should have b-been more specific. It was like asking Oz to describe his own realm, more than he could ever even begin to start with. He realized after Prince was silent for a long moment, rare for the being, that being asked to describe an entire dimension might be a little difficult. Perhaps one should be challenged by one’s partner, to improve themselves, but love itself shouldn’t be a fight. Oz didn’t think love should be challenging. “I think that you and I have different…p-perspectives when it comes to love.” He could see how not knowing who in his own dimension was marrying him for love and who was marrying him for his position might be difficult, but surely he wasn’t the ruler of the entire dimension? There were probably other planets, even other royal families or something. Noticing that he was beginning to get lost in his own thoughts, the Prince cleared his throat. “Is there anything you’d like to know first about my dimension?”


Most of the women at Spooky High showed more skin then in his dimension, and the men were more under dressed then in his dimension. Glancing over, he let his eyes roam over Oz. Perhaps the differences between their dimensions? Their customs in attire had been the first difference the prince had noticed when he came to this dimension. There were so many stories like theirs, it would probably bore the monster to death. He didn’t think Oz cared much to learn of how his parents had gained their claim on a kingdom and a title of King and Queen.


His free hand went to his hair, rubbing strands between his thumb and forefinger as he thought of where to start. But, isn’t it more exciting to be challenged in love?” “Strange, isn’t it?” He chuckled at Oz’s obvious confusion to his words. “But I am a prince in my dimension, and I could easily find someone to spend the rest of my life with.

Blobert monster prom