Steam simairport
Steam simairport

steam simairport
  1. Steam simairport mod#
  2. Steam simairport update#

Revise the custom gate name UI to now support unlimited number of gatesĪdds a 'Important Zone Problems' notification/alert icon to the Zones UI button (missing deliveries zone, zone full, etc) Several queue tweaks including improvements to prevent stacking LRT Platform can now be dismantled and repositioned

steam simairport

Revises the flight status window optimized, resizable, and condensed The pink ("R") side of the network is unchanged, does not allow intersectionsĪdds a separate setting for keyboard pan speed There's a lot left that I'd like to do with SimAirport, and we'll do our best to do exactly that - even if I probably won't ever be fully happy with it, even if it may never be perfect, it doesn't mean we won't strive for perfection regardless! :)Ĭonveyor System Changes - By popular demand!Ĭonveyors inbound to a hub (blue, labeled with an "H") can now have 3-way intersectionsĬonveyor sections with a 3-way intersection will only be allowed to connect to other "to hub"/blue sections And that is the plan - we will continue to add features, release updates with improvements & additional content, and to continue supporting & adding functionality to the modding systems, bug fixes, and the like.

Steam simairport update#

There will always be aspects that I'd like to change, update and improve upon. Speaking More Personally: I've come to face the reality that I will never be completely happy with all aspects of SimAirport.

steam simairport

That said, we feel extremely good about the state of SimAirport today it may not be perfect, in fact it is not perfect, but overall we feel very good about the state of gameplay today. We started building SimAirport simply because it was the game that we wanted to play that hasn't changed and there are still things we'd like to add, and it is likely that there will always be more things that we'd really like to add or improve further upon. It's been an absolutely incredible journey, one of international proportions, and we hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have - and we hope you continue to enjoy it, too!

Steam simairport mod#

From the size of airports to massively increased passenger counts, new aircraft, the thousands of bugs squashed, hundreds of feature requests delivered, the arrival of multiple floors, Workshop & mod support, and so much more. It's truly an incredible difference today versus the game that released in 2017 (if you're adventurous, check out the archived 'beta' branches!). Although we encountered some turbulence initially, we hope you appreciate the many achievements along the way and that we delivered what you expected. We undertook some major transformations along the way, doing our best to embody what we felt Early Access should be all about.

steam simairport

We have enjoyed every minute of Early Access and we hope you have, too.

Steam simairport