Atv flash black atv2
Atv flash black atv2

atv flash black atv2

  • Resolved issues with slideshow animation.
  • Resolved issues with zoom for 4:3 movies.
  • Resolved possible overflow in 5.1 AC3 audio.
  • atv flash black atv2

    Resolved various audio synchronization issues.Improved automatic downscaling for large thumbnails.Improved bulk fetching & added automatic artwork caching.Added support for multiple simultaneous AFP connections.Added support for displaying subtitles in lower 'black bar'.Added Portuguese (Portugal) translation.Added support for purchased iTunes content (matching iTunes login required).

    atv flash black atv2

    Added integrated subtitle downloads from.Need help jailbreaking your Apple TV 2? If so, be sure to check out our full how-to guide. If you really don’t need the full details and just want to get yourself updated, version 1.5 is available now from the Firecore website. If you're already running a version of aTV Flash (black) the new 1.6 version can be installed through the Maintenance -> Manage Extras menu.

    #Atv flash black atv2 1080p

    Still nothing concrete on the release of a jailbrealk for the latest Apple TV (2012, 1080p version) but we are sure all parties are still working hard on that. If you’re looking for the full change log, you’ll find it below. Version 1.6 adds a bunch of great new features including integrated subtitle downloads, expanded codec support, refined video playback, improved networking, additional translations and a truckload of other improvements and bug fixes. Hot on the heels of the new Seas0nPass release we're happy to present to you a brand new version of aTV Flash (black).

    Atv flash black atv2